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Current Lodge Officers
 & Board of Directors *
Lodge Year 2025-2026

If not for the dedication of these members, as well as past officers,
our Lodge would struggle to move forward in a positive way.

Exalted Ruler
Donald Hoerman, PER *
Anthony DeLucia *

Five Year Trustee
Jerry Looby *

Esteemed Leading Knight
Ed Moore *

Larry Newquist

Four Year Trustee
Drew Lethbridge *
Esteemed Loyal Knight
Dylan Bassette *

Sharon Lewis

Three Year Trustee
Ron Marrone*

Esteemed Lecturing Knight
Ken Kiley *
Inner Guard
Mark Curtin

Two Year Trustee
Jory Pagliughi *

Charles Fraser *

Tom Prindle

One Year Trustee
Larry Bowden, PER*

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Elks Lodge 2202 ~ B.P.O.E ~ Glastonbury Elks - ® 2022 - 2025