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Past Exalted Rulers (PER)

These members will always be very valuable to our lodge. Their sacrifice of time, hard work, and dedication have been essential in the progression and continuity of our lodge since its opening in 1961. Their leadership made it possible for many members to contribute their special gifts and strengths, which has helped to build our lodge into what it is today.

1961-1962   Walter Downes*

1986-1987   Albert Woyner *

2010-2011   Stephen Del Rosso, PER 

1962-1963   John Milardo

1987-1988   Michael Trainor

2011-2012   Stephen Del Rosso, PER 

1963-1964   Frank Ferriera PDD*

1988-1989   Robert Kimball

2012-2013   Joseph Grillo, Sr.*

1964-1965   Thomas Flanagan*

1989-1990   Roland Vegiard

2013-2014   John Gilnack

1965-1966   Niles Brook*

1990-1991   Robert Kimball, PER

2014-2015   Vinnie Alianiello, PER 

1966-1967   Wallace Page *

1991-1992   William Wolfe

 2015-2016   Cindy Coville

1967-1968   Robert Smith

1992-1993   Paul Lepine

 2016-2017   R. David Bassette, Jr.

1968-1969   Victor Delgreco

1993-1994   George Thatcher, Sr. *

 2017-2018   Greg Crucitti

1969-1970   Mealing Pruitt*

1994-1995   John Spencer*

 2018-2019   R. David Bassette, Jr., PER

1970-1971   James Wehrly*

1995-1996   Timothy Magowan

 2019-2020  Lawrence Bowden

1971-1972   John Marinelli*

1996-1997   John Spencer, PER*

 2020-2021  Lawrence Bowden, PER

1972-1973   Bernard Burgan*

1997-1998   John Spencer, PER*

 2021-2022  Elbert Gray

1973-1974   Julias Klobukowski*

1998-1999   John Spencer, PER*

2022-2023 Donald Burrier

1975-1976   Joseph Elinsky*

1999-2000   Robert Kimball, PER

2023-2024 Donald Burrier PER

1976-1977   Harry Grant *

2000-2001   John Guminiak*

2024-2025 Don Hoerman

1977-1978   Donald Emory*

2001-2002   Michael Perleoni


1978-1979   John Marinelli*

2002-2003   John Guminiak, PER*


1979-1980   Robert Stone

2003-2004   John Guminiak, PER*


1980-1981   Joseph Morreale*

2004-2005   Erik Myles   

1981-1982   Lucius Chapman*

2005-2006   Erik Myles, PER  

1982-1983   Paul Persson

2006-2007   Dennis G. Claffey, PDD  

1983-1984   Doug Beeghly*

2007-2008   Doug Beeghly, PER*  
1984-1985   James Coffey 2008-2009   Kenneth Staten  
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Elks Lodge 2202 ~ B.P.O.E ~ Glastonbury Elks - ® 2022 - 2025