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Elk Resources


 Listed below are just some of the charities the Glastonbury Lodge is involved with. We are also involved in the Boy & Girl Scouts of America, as well as the sponsor a local little league teams.


State Major Project

Our State Major Project, “Connecticut Safe Kids Program”, run in conjunction with the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, provides items for helping kids prevent injuries. Several years ago we shifted our focus from the treatment of injuries to the prevention of them. By supplying items such as smoke and CO2 detectors, child car seats, flotation devices for swimming, bicycle helmets and pads and an assortment of safety related literature, the number of injuries that have been prevented, far exceed the number of treatments. Each year the Connecticut Elks Association donates $100,000.00 to fund this program. All items are given to families that are in need, at no cost to them.


Elks National Veterans Service Commission

In each of the 172 VA Medical Centers there is an Elk committee at work. Literally, thousands of Elks and their families give generously of their time, energy and resources so that the lives of our ill and aging veterans will be enhanced. Hundreds of thousands of hours and like numbers of dollars are devoted to programs that are designed to keep us true to our pledge: ”So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them.“ And now we've broadened our program to include outpatients and veterans who are homeless.

Our Lodge hosts a blinded Veteran's Turkey Shoot, a pig roast, and Christmas Party for Veterans from the Rocky Hill Home. Over the years we have donated many items the home has requested, as well as donating monies for the rentals of scooters for Veterans to attend the Big E.

Camp Sunrise

Sponsored by the Glastonbury Parks and Recreation Department. A summer recreational program for special needs children ages 3-21 with Physical, Intellectual, Developmental, and/or Other Health Impairments. Serving the towns of Glastonbury, Rocky Hill, Wethersfield, Newington and Cromwell. Our Lodge hosts their orientation and graduation, as well as providing an annual Holiday Party and Fishing Derby.

Hoop Shoot Program

The yearly Elks Hoop Shoot Free Throw Program is open to all boys and girls ages 8 through 13. The contest starts at the lodge level and advances through district, state and regional contests before the national finals in the spring.

Drug Awareness Program

The Elks National Drug Awareness Program strives to teach all children and parents about the dangers of illegal drug use and prevent the abuse of legalized and prescription drugs. As the largest volunteer drug awareness program in the United States, the program relies on state, district and Lodge volunteers to promote a drug-free lifestyle. By taking pride in America’s communities and youth, the program takes action against youth drug use through education and inspiration.

Elks National Foundation (ENF)

The mission of the Elks National Foundation is to help Elks build stronger communities. We fulfill this pledge by investing in communities where Elks live and work. We provide tomorrow's leaders, our youth, with a healthy beginning; honor the Elks pledge to never forget our veterans; help the state Elks associations accomplish their charitable objectives and fund projects that improve the quality of life in local Elks communities. Like all Elks, the Foundation values the belief that charity is the greatest of all virtues and that by sharing and giving we have the power to replace sorrow and despair with hope and confidence. Donations to the Foundation help us fund programs that match our cornerstone values of knowledge, integrity and community.

House Committee
The club operation of the Lodge has its place in the success of the Lodge, An attractive program of entertainment in a proper environment is an excellent way to promote membership involvement. A Committee devoted to this project is a must for every Lodge having a club.

Range Committee
It is the responsibility of this committee to formulate and present general range-improvements, safety guidelines, and to promote range activities for the Lodge.

Standing Relief Committee
This committee is composed of the Exalted Ruler, Esteemed Leading, Loyal & Lecturing Knights, Secretary and Treasurer of the Lodge. Its duty is to investigate the merits of all proposals for aid and make recommendations concerning them to the Lodge for further actions.

Auditing and Accounting Committee
Evaluate the Lodge systems of internal control. Engage an accountant to conduct an audit, review or compilation of Lodge Books and all other entities of the Lodge.

Community Activities Committee
There is no single factor more important to the welfare of a Lodge than an outstanding image in its community. In the market place the Lodge meets the competition. It is the function of this committee to formulate and carry out a program of service to the community.

Lodge Activities Committee
This committee has the responsibility of execution of the programs of the Grand Lodge, State Association and Lodge.

Americanism Committee
This committee is charged with the duty of continuing the Orders great tradition of patriotism and its important levels, nation, state and community.

Flag Day Committee
This committee is responsible for the proper conduct of the Flag Day Service.

Government Relations Committee
This committee is charged with implementing the Government Relations Programs of the Grand Lodge, State Association.

Public Relations Committee
This committee is charged with the responsibility of proper, effective publicizing on the local level the Programs of the Grand Lodge, the State Association and the Lodge.

Indoctrination Committee
It is the responsibility of this committee to formulate and present a program by the Lodge which will acquaint the candidates with the proud history of the Order, its benevolences, it programs for the benefit of others and its rightful place in society.

Investigating Committee
This committee is to conduct an investigation into the basic and acceptable qualifications of candidates for membership into the Lodge.

Lapsation Committee
This committee is charged with retention of members, by contacting and counseling delinquent members.

Youth Activities Committee
This committee is to promote youth activities in the community.

Bulletin Committee
This committee publishes an important periodical to keep the membership informed.

Elks Training Program
It provides an Elk the opportunity to become more knowledgeable in the laws of the Order and Subordinate Lodge, the State Association and the Grand Lodge.

Is to encourage the participation of the Lodge in the ritualistic contest.

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Elks Lodge 2202 ~ B.P.O.E ~ Glastonbury Elks - ® 2022 - 2025